Children’s Dentistry
A child’s teeth are vitally important and can be susceptible to dental problems without proper education and without a visit to the dentist..
At Complete Dental, we are firm believers that dental care is vital for the whole family, no matter how young or old. That is why we offer children’s dentistry to give your child the best chance at a healthy, happy smile.
When should children go to the dentist?
Children should be visiting the dentist for the first time at approximately the age of three, for an oral health assessment. One of the key word in children’s dentistry is ‘preventive!’ It is recommended not to wait until your child has a problem – like dental decay, or a tooth ache – before seeing the dentist.
The first appointment is likely to be a simple one. Your child will be introduced to their caring dentist at Complete Dental and shown some of the simple instruments that might be used, like a small tooth brush or cotton bud! You and your child will be able to speak to the dentist and ask any questions you may have. The dentist will then examine the child’s mouth, counting the number of teeth and, most importantly, checking on their health and development.
If baby teeth fall out, why are they so important to look after?
Some people believe that baby teeth aren’t important as they are simply going to fall out eventually. However, a child’s baby teeth are vital for the healthy development of the jaw and adult teeth. They hold space for the adult teeth to emerge, they can still decay and cause pain and they can impact the integrity of the tooth root, among many others.
Why is children’s dentistry important?
Another key word in children’s dentistry is ‘education.’ To keep your child’s oral health in good condition, it is important to start good oral hygiene habits early. That includes understanding how to brush and floss properly, the importance of brushing as well as how the teeth and mouth work. There is no better person to teach them good oral hygiene habits and dental care than a professional dentist.
It is important to us that we are able to facilitate a comfortable experience for your child when they visit our clinic, so that they learn to not be afraid of the dentist. Our caring dentists at Complete Dental will create an enjoyable, encouraging and comfortable experience for your child, so they cannot wait for their next appointment.
What is a dental fissure sealant for children?
Dental fissure sealants are common in children’s dentistry, if the child is at a high risk of developing decay in the fissures of their teeth. Dental fissure sealants are hard protective coatings that can protect the tooth from plaque and decay. They are most commonly used on the back molars that have intricate grooves that are harder to clean and are more susceptible to damage.
The result from a dental fissure sealant is a tooth that is both protected and shaped in a way that is easier to clean.
At Complete Dental, we accept the Children’s Dental Benefits Scheme.
Children’s Dentistry FAQ’s
When should children start going to the dentist?
Can milk teeth rot?
What causes children’s teeth to rot?
What should I do if my child has rotten teeth?
How often should children brush their teeth
Children’s Dentist
To book a children’s dental appointment, please don’t hesitate to contact our friendly and informative team.